Rain Alarm
This circuit gives out an alarm when its sensor is wetted by water. A 555 astable multivibrator is used here...
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This circuit gives out an alarm when its sensor is wetted by water. A 555 astable multivibrator is used here...
This fridge door alarm is using a 3V battery supply should be placed (in a small box) in the fridge...
Application An infrared detector that sounds a buzzer when an IR beam is broken, meaning the IR signal is lost....
You can choose from a wide range of relays but do you know what type to use in...
Termometre devresinin beslemesi tek kaynak 5 volt sıcaklık sensörü olarak bc547b kullanılmış p1 ve p2 trimpotları ile kalibrasyon yapılıyor gösterge için iki adet HD-A544Dled display kullanılmış 2 faklı pcb bulunmakta yukarıda...